Dilworth again leads The Pioneers

The head coach for the Big Sandy Boys Pioneer team for the second year is once again Tomas Dilworth. This year the Pioneer squad is made up of three junior players Ryan Roth, Brock Proulx, Jeremiah Genereux, and Elijah Wagoner who is out for the year because of injury. There are two sophomores Kade Strutz and Parker Proulx. There are four eighth graders Crawford Terry, Braydon Cline, Kody Strutz, and Austin Haugen.

There are a lot of young people coming out for basketball who has seen some success this year. For the varsity, this year what they talk about every day is attitude and effort. It is what they are concentrating on this year. Coach Tomas said, "You are going to see a huge difference this year in the Basketball program a lot of "team first" and "individuals second". They have to stay positive and focus. You want kids to buy into what you are trying to do. I admit there are some things I wished I would have done differently in the first season. I am a young coach and I tell all the kids all the time don't expect me to be perfect. I'm learning too and I want to get better each season myself. I was so concentrating on bringing discipline to the program I forgot to have fun last year. This year we're having fun. We talk about individual goals and team goals. We have an opportunity for a great story. They are starting to believe we'll have a great season. We need the tenacity to keep working. I am excited for the season, I'm sure we are being over looked. We're going to play teams tough, and if we can stay out of foul trouble we'll be great."

They have a whole new system this year. It's called Read and React basketball. When I asked who was going to be the point guard he said they didn't have a point guard this year. "I think it fits the team well. We have five guys that can play any position, handle the ball well, they can all shoot the ball well, they all can get to the basket well." They will be difficult to scout because it will constantly change. "I want them to know I can trust them. I wanted to put the game into their hands. It's going to be fun to watch them this year, there is an energy this year we didn't have last year."