Big Sandy School Board Regular Meeting

The full board was in attendance President Darin Genereux, and board members Brandon Gasvoda, Jerri Roth, Brad Weaver, and Heather Pleninger. Also in attendance Superintendent Kelly Haaland, Big Sandy School Principle Heather Wolrey, Baily Gasvoda Student Body President, Travis Baumann Tech, Melanine Schwarzbach Teachers Representative, Maryetta Engle Big Sandy District Clerk, Layne Taylor Shop Teacher and FFA representative, and Amy Terry 2nd grade teacher.

The Student Council Report by Baily Gasvoda said the Christmas Party was a large food drive for the local food bank. They also raised $45 in cash.

Discussion took place about the lights on the stage in the auditorium. There are dead spots on the stage. We would need six new spots lights. The cost is $14, 000 because of the age of the current system. They will be looking to the Foundation for further support so the lights can be in place by homecoming. This will be placed on the agenda next month.

Travis said there were some switches that will need to be updated as well for the internet system. They will also be looking for funding for this project.

A small discussion took place about dedicating the gym floor and a committee has been formed to discuss the idea further.

Superintendent Kelly Haaland will bring some ideas and some financial figures to the next board meeting to discuss fixing the tennis court. It was noted there were some funds already dedicated to fixing the tennis courts by community organizations.

Baily Gasvoda and the FFA supervisor requested permission to leave the state to attend the Denver Stock Show Jan 24—27. Six kids will be attending. They were given permission.

Memorandum of Understanding Cheerleading Stipend was approved. A stipend for Special Education at the Elementary was also approved. Terry agreed to include Special Education to her responsibility till a new Special Education teacher is hired. There is a teacher interested in moving to Big Sandy and they are looking at certifications and talking to OPI to reach approval of her Missouri’s credentials.

Susan Walker will be offered a contract to work for a few weeks to replace Mrs. Robertson while she is out on maternity leave.

Maryetta Engle said the school audit was finished and clean.