Community Blood Drive, supports Hudson

Georgia Wortman, the organizer of the last blood drive, said, "The American Red Cross Blood Drive on July 16 went great! I had two first-timers (Riley Genereux and Tyler Schwarzbach) and one milestone (Alma Terry; 2 gallons) with thirty-two donors in total."

"The Big Sandy FFA (and parents) donated blood and food. Crystal Geyer, Savannah Weaver, and Amy Sibra for donating their time to help me throughout the day. I was very thankful."

"There is always a need for blood, so keep your eyes peeled for the date of the next blood drive!"

Usually, Rachel Baumgarn organizes the blood draws, as she has said in the past, it is her way to give back. Recently her son Hudson had a lifesaving operation in Seattle Children's Hospital. The surgery took eight hours.

Rachel Baumgarn wrote, "Our little Rockstar has been amazing! He did great during his surgery. He had a successful Fontan procedure, and they also fixed his leaky Tricuspid Valve while they were in there. He has had a leak for a while. It was leaking more than we thought. Thankfully Dr. Permut was able to make it better than it was when he went in. Of course, this is not something that can be fixed 100%.

I know I'm a little crazy when it comes to my blood drives. The reason is: if not for all the amazing people who donate little kids like Hudson would not be here. He needed a pint of blood and some platelets during surgery. So, thank you to everyone that donates!! We appreciate."