Volleyball Open Gyms are Successful

This summer, the Big Sandy volleyball team has been working hard in the gym. A schedule for different sports has been organized to allow every sports team to get time in the gym during the summer. The volleyball girls go in the evening, on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. The organization for open gym has been helpful for these girls in many ways.

For the gym to be available there needs to be at least one adult with the team. Sheri Roth and maybe our future volleyball coach Brittany, have volunteered their time helping and supervising the girls. "I absolutely love being in the gym with these girls and I've missed the joyfulness that coaching brings" comments Sheri after a Tuesday night open gym. Both ladies have been helpful with skills, rotations, and rules for the volleyball girls and they are highly appreciated!

During open gyms the girls choose what they need or want to work on for the night and usually end with some scrimmaging. Between serving and setting, everyone works hard on something. "I've missed hitting a volleyball off a good set" says one of the volleyball girls Wednesday night. All the girls enjoy open gyms and get excited to come.

Once volleyball practice starts the girls will already be in decent shape and ready to learn new skills. With a new coach the girls are excited for new experiences and hope for a great season. Make sure to open your schedule up to watch a volleyball game or two, to witness the improvement yourself. These open gyms will allow the girls to be ready for their season and play with more confidence!