Budget Approved by Big Sandy School Board

At the end of the regular Big Sandy School Board meeting, the budget for the year 2020 was approved by the council. The school districts were combined a few years ago. The total budget for all funds is $3,259,046. You can contact the school for a complete budget, and without going into detail in every category I will mention a number of categories the citizens might be most interested in: General fund budgets is $1,870,192; Transportation budget is $240,000; Bus Depreciation is $617,132; Technology is $58,218; Building Reserve is $64,333; and Flexibility $84, 919.94.

The general fund budget is limited by state law. There is a formula, a worksheet, they complete to determine the budget. This budget is the highest budget we can have. They cannot even go to the taxpayers to ask for an increase in the general fund budget. The general fund budget contains teacher’s salaries. It is essential to know that salaries are a little over 80% of the budget. The budget is complicated to understand, and you may access to old budgets on line. You may request this year’s budget by calling the high school.

Larger schools and even some small school are currently implementing an activity fee for extracurriculars. Big Sandy has presently NOT implemented an activity fee. However, it is a possibility in future years because we cannot increase the general fund which pays for those activities.

Student Council was present and introduced the leadership team. Bailey Gasvoda is President; Clint Darlington, Vice President; Jozlyn Baumann, Treasure; Audrey Sipler, Secretary; with Melanie Schwarzbach teacher advisor.

The board was informed the county crew volunteered to remove the asphalt from the tennis courts when the time comes.

Superintendent Kelly Haaland notified the board there is now a new key system which was installed at the schools. Each teacher has a key for e their rooms, and the

door locks from in the inside for further safety and security. The keys cannot be copied. Only Kelly Haaland has a master key.

Travis Baumann informed the board that all the tech improvements had been completed and teachers should have faster internet speeds

Elyssa Barkman was hired as the assistant Volley Ball Coach. Shersteen Cline was hired as the Junior High Volley Ball Coach.

It was also noted that Chili Feed would be held on Oct 11.