Big Sandy FFA is Top Notch

This last Monday, September 16th, the Big Sandy FFA Chapter held their annual fall banquet. The support of the community was represented by the amount of people who came and enjoyed the food and donated to the FFA Chapter. Everyone seemed to be happy to be there and the kids appreciated the support.

The banquet is a great opportunity every year for the FFA advisor, Mr. Taylor, to introduce his goals for the year and talk about the fall schedule. The FFA kids always enjoy the free food and conversations with the community. The banquet held a work auction for the first time and it went really well. The FFA kids held and participated in the auction. The officers even organized for a professional to auction off the kids. Each kid filled out a paper explaining their working abilities and hobbies. All The kids were sold ranging from sixty dollars to one-hundred and fifty dollars. The FFA chapter president was sold with the highest bid of one-hundred and fifty dollars. the money from the auction goes into the kids travel fund and will help them a lot with future trips.

Right after the FFA banquet, the kids traveled to their first competition. The competition was held in Roy on Tuesday, September 17th. The competition was for livestock and range. Each of the kids competed very well and learned during the whole experience. The team took third place overall and had a great time.

Before the banquet on September 11th, the FFA team went to DLC. DLC is a district leadership conference, which was also held in Roy. DLC is held every year and organized by the state FFA officers. The kids went to this conference and learned a lot about goal setting and accomplishing. Everyone had a good time and the seniors enjoyed their last DLC.

The kids and Mr. Taylor are all looking forward for this school year. Everyone is bouncing to win more competitions and learn more about agriculture and leadership. After the success of the first FFA competition and the work auction at the banquet, everyone is expecting a great year!