One of my favorite school activities is the Veterans Programs that were held these last few years. The afternoon started with a free meal for the Veterans at Senior Citizens. Afterward, you would go over to the FE Miley school for a Veteran's Program put on by the elementary students. I loved it because everyone would be wearing red, white and blue and the children would sing all kinds of patriotic songs. A small talk is given at the high school before every vet stood to their arm forces anthem being played by the high school band. It always brought me to tears. This year, there is no Veterans Program as COVID has prevented it from happening, but please pick up the phone and acknowledge them if you know a veteran. We owe them so much!
This year Chuck Comp who served on the USS Spridling DD867 during the Korean War, will represent all vets who deserve to be more than just recognized. Although he only served four years, those years solidified who Chuck is. Both sides of his family have all served in the arm forces. His grandfather served in World War I, his father served in World War II, Chuck served in Korea, and his son served in Desert Storm.
One month after high school was over, Chuck was in the Navy, and four years later, he came home. He picked the Navy because the draft was going at the time. He was from a Class B school outside of Detroit.
The USS Spridling was a destroyer, which is one of the smaller ships in the Navy. Chuck said, "it was affectionately called a tin can because they rolled like a beer can in the wind, and they were only about ¾ of an inch thick."
Being a vet is very important to him. In the four years, while
he was in the Spridling, he traveled completely around the world, seeing 21 different countries. "We live in the freest country in the world. It's still the best country in the world. I think people should travel and see how good we have it here in this country. I'm proud to live in this country!" Chuck has strong opinions, and it is important to him that people love our country. He is very proud to have served the best country in the world. "It's strange the good times remain, but the mind does have a way of filtering out the bad stuff."
To all Veterans, you are so important, and we thank you for serving!