Jaesun Yirsa takes 3rd at state for his Patriots Pin essay contest

Jaesun Yirsa is a 7th grade home school student and the son of Petra and Justin Yirsa. Jaesun said he likes writing and has a very patriotic family. “It’s an honor for me.” Marty and Tamee Havrilla, from Fort Benton, both air force veterans, presented his award. Marty represents post 447 VFW in Fort Benton, and Tamee is a state VFW Auxiliary officer. VFW Post 447 just celebrated its 75th anniversary.

The 2020-21 Patriots Pin Theme this year was “What is Patriotism to Me?” Jaesun was required to write a 300-400-word essay. The goal and purpose of the Patriots Pin contest are to give younger people the opportunity to express their opinions. He competed against 60 (6th-8th graders) and took 3rd place in the state. They presented him a certificate, Patriots Pin 3rd place pin, a plaque, and $100, all from the state of Montana VFW.

Congratulations Jaesun! Big Sandy is proud of you! Here is his essay in its entirely:

What Patriotism Means to Me

I believe patriotism means to respect, show loyalty, and love the United States of America. Our country is the citizens, the military, the government, and the land. These parts make America great and good. Charles E. Jefferson said, “A man is a patriot if his heart beats true to his country.” We can do the same as this quote by showing respect, loyalty, and love to all the parts of America.

There are things that deserve respect because they represent our country. The flag is a symbol that we should honor. When a flag is flying, the citizens of America should put their right hand over their heart and take off their hat, if wearing one. We do this also when we say the Pledge of Allegiance or sing the national anthem. Respect must be shown to other people. Americans have certain rights such as freedom of speech, voting, religion, owning a gun, and fair trial. We do not have to agree with people’s ideas, but we must respect their given American rights.

We must be loyal to this country even when times are tough. People may not agree about government officials or wars being fought, but we must stay with this country through its hardships. We must support the military and the government, especially the President, by not turning people against them with hateful speech. Hateful speech is negative and will not help our nation prosper. We show support to our government by voting for people who will best serve America and the people.

Loving America is to believe that our country and people are great. The poet, Henry Van Dyke, wrote in America for Me: “We love our land for what She is and what She is to be.” We love our country because it was founded for everyone’s freedom on July 4, 1776. America will always be the best country, because it was made to protect its people. Until the end of time, America will always be great due to the Founding Fathers, the government officials, and the people.

In conclusion, America is worthy of respect, loyalty, and love. We are proud to live in the greatest country in the world. As Shakespeare said in King Henry V, “We few, we happy few, we band of brothers.” We are the few, blessed to live in America. We must unite as brothers to keep America exceptional.

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