Big Sandy Organics grows -needs land to expand

Heather Dilworth said, "The news is the is Big Sandy Organics is growing like crazy." They got a new contract with an international company to produce Einkorn, another ancient grain, into a snack. I got to taste it and loved it. It is lighter than Kracklin Kamut. It was initially grown just in France but now will be produced in the United States. The contract has the snack appearing for sale after Thanksgiving, but they have already hired two full-time staff starting in August to help them meet the deadline.

Thomas said they would be growing the business by developing new healthy snacks. They are already working with Timeless Seeds and Korea Airlines.

Everyone can see as they drive by the business and their home that they've added a couple of storage containers because they needed storage. They'll be building a new addition to help store the finished products. But with the orders coming in, they cannot keep up the pace. They need to build a larger facility, and to do so, they are looking to purchase land to build it on. Dilworths want the business to stay in Big Sandy because they love it here and want to support the economy of the Big Sandy Community, but if they can't find a place to build, they will need to move the business out of town.

If anyone wants to help build a better economy for Big Sandy and have land for sale, please contact Thomas or Heather Dilworth. They are looking for at least five acres but will purchase a larger piece of land if necessary.

Their excitement is contagious. Their positive attitude is just what Big Sandy needs.