Eli Dixon: an Example of True Sportsmanship

It's the perfect article to start the New Year-a true example of doing something special for your friends.

I didn't even know Levi would play basketball this year until I saw him play in the game. It was then that I looked at the Pioneer roster and saw we had another senior playing basketball. I asked him when he last played, and he said he played his Freshman year and then quit. So why has he started to play this year? Levi said, "This year, seniors weren't available." He smiled and said, "I'm a Senior, so maybe I could help."

Eli's parents are Clay and Kelly Dixon. Eli doesn't know what he wants to do after graduation, but he knows he can help his team, and helps them, he does. I couldn't help but be impressed. He does impact the game for a young man who hasn't played for a while. I was impressed with him and told him so. He smiled and simply said, "Thank You."

He said he has shot baskets and played some on his own time, and it shows because he can make a basket. He's still learning the plays but isn't just a nothing player. He contributes. I also enjoy watching him because he is having fun while he plays. I enjoy his smile on the floor.

Sports often have large egos, and it's nice to find a player who plays just because he wants to enjoy the game and help his teammates the best he can.

Head coach Rhett Simonton said, "he has been good for us, always giving good effort and asking questions on how to help the team. And he is doing very well even though it's only his second year playing basketball."

He's an example of deciding to help someone else even though you're not sure you know how. May he be an example to all of us to reach out and become involved?