Articles from the November 15, 2023 edition

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  • Big Sandy Christmas Stroll-Yes it's almost here

    Zoe Merrill|Nov 15, 2023

    The Big Sandy Christmas Stroll will be here on December 2. "Christmas Candy Land" is the theme of the event. It's a lot of work to put on this event, and it's more fun if the community members get involved where they can. There are five winning Stroll button designs. They are incredibly good. Winning artists are: Tori Dixon, Korbyn Jurenka, Astrid Ketchum, Alleyah Eagleman, and Heather Frank. All of the art created by the students of Big Sandy High School will be on display at the community...

  • Can I vote at the BSMC Annual Meeting?

    Jessica Ophus|Nov 15, 2023

    We're only three weeks away from the Big Sandy Medical Center's Annual Board Meeting. This will be the 59th Annual Meeting to be held for the facility. Big Sandy Medical Center was originally built in 1965 with a clinic, ER and hospital. The nursing home addition was erected in 1985. In 2019, the Nursing Home status was terminated and the facility became a full Critical Access Hospital. The Board has been there for it all. In reviewing events of the recent years, finding people interested in...

  • The Mayor would like town support at city council meetings

    Zoe Merrill|Nov 15, 2023

    Shaud Schwarzbach is tired of being Mayor. He knows town people want the council to act, but “they won’t attend the meetings. I want their input!” Being on the city council is stressful. They need your support by being involved. There are intense discussions and decisions to make. I visited with Shaud for a short time after the recent city council meeting to clarify information given to the city council by KLJ. According to the last testing, Big Sandy has a slightly higher number of readings than they would like in the BOD. Shaud said there...

  • Big Sandy Schools' Veterans Day Program

    Erik Sietsema|Nov 15, 2023

    Big Sandy Schools honored the veterans of our community last week with their annual Veterans Day Assembly. The program featured music performed by the High School Band and Choir, songs performed by the 4th through 6th grade Choir, Veterans Day themed art projects done by the kindergarten through 3rd grade students, and a guest speaker: Diana LaBuda, who served for 24 years years in the military, 4 on active duty and 20 in the Montana Air National Guard. Diana LaBuda spoke to the students during...

  • Green Acres

    Tyler Lane|Nov 15, 2023

    Chouteau County Juniors and Seniors Will Participate in 2023 Chouteau County Agricultural Business Day Junior and senior students from Big Sandy, Fort Benton, Geraldine, Highwood and Chouteau county home schools will participate in the 2023 Chouteau County Agricultural Business Day on December 6th. The event will take place from 9:00 a.m. -10:30 a.m. at the Ag Center (1205 20th Street). An estimated twenty businesses will be in attendance to educate juniors and seniors about agricultural career opportunities in Chouteau County. Businesses will...

  • Karen Lee Jensen

    Nov 15, 2023

    Karen Lee Jensen, 79, passed away Thursday, November 9, 2023, at the Big Sandy Medical Center of natural causes. There will be public viewing held on Nov 16, 2023 at Benton Funeral Home from 2 pm-6 pm. Her funeral service will be at 2 p.m. Friday, November 17, 2023, at the Community Bible Church in Fort Benton. Her burial will follow at the Riverside Cemetery. There will be a gathering at the Community Bible Rec Center following burial to share memories and have refreshments. Please visit... Full story

  • Ronald Ralph Christensen

    Nov 15, 2023

    Ronald Ralph Christensen, 78, of Big Sandy, passed away surrounded by his brother and very close friends at Peace Hospice in Great Falls on November 7, 2023. He is survived by his twin brother, Donald of Big Sandy and John Christensen of Billings, He was preceded in death by his parents, Clarence and Martha Christensen, and brother, Peter Christensen. Ronald was born in Roundup, Montana. When Ronald was 7 years old, some people thought he was deaf because he hadn't talked so he was admitted to... Full story

  • Thelma R. Hansen

    Nov 15, 2023

    Thelma R. Hansen, 77, of Big Sandy, passed away on Saturday, November 11, 2023, at the Big Sandy Medical Center. Cremation has taken place, and memorial services will be held at a later date. Holland & Bonine Funeral Home has been entrusted with services and arrangements. Please visit Thelma’s online memorial page to send a card or leave a message of condolence for her family at

  • Students Study Shakespearean Sonnets

    Marla Ray|Nov 15, 2023

    The second quarter of the school year has launched English students at Big Sandy High School into the wonderful world of poetry. Grades seven through twelve are writing a variety of poems and presenting them to their classmates.The Seniors and Sophomores have already written what is considered the most difficult type of poem: the Sonnet. There are two styles of this genre of poetry: Petrarchan and Shakespearean. They have few differences, but Shakespearean tends to be more favored. These 14-lined poems have a definite rhyme scheme, as well as a...

  • Patching Cracks

    Erik Sietsema|Nov 15, 2023

    Whenever I watch a television commercial or read about a new product making amazing claims about how a new medicine or kitchen gadget will change my life, I find myself asking “Does it work?” I read reviews, reach out to friends who have tried it, or just buy it to see if the hype is real. Usually, I find that the answer to the “does it work?” question is “sort of.” Arthritis miracle cures sort of relieve pain. Weight loss miracles sort of shrink my waistline. Kitchen tools kind of perform as advertised. The simplest solution to the questio...

  • Michael Wright practices gratitude

    Zoe Merrill|Nov 15, 2023

    I have a love/hate relationship with Facebook, and in November, I work on finding articles for the Mountaineer that celebrate giving thanks. I found Michael Wright's Facebook page. Michael Wright moved to Big Sandy with his mother, Suzanne, in 2021, and his Facebook comments this time of year inspire and encourage me. He was born in Vancouver, Washington, but lived most of his life in Eureka, Montana, graduating from Lincoln County High School in 2010. He moved to Kalispell for about seven and a...

  • Christmas Ideas for different presents

    Emiene|Nov 15, 2023

    Get a head start on getting some of the coolest and trendiest gifts for Christmas. We are going to hook you up with some really great ideas to get that someone special the perfect gift! This week we will give you the top 28 gifts, according to Good Housekeeping magazine. These are their opinions on some great gifts, but I’m not going to lie, I’d love a lot of these!! I firmly believe in supporting small businesses and your community, but if for some reason, you want a new and refreshing idea for this Christmas, check out these items. 1 .My...

  • Love that small town vibe

    Emiene|Nov 15, 2023

    I have recently thought a lot about my past and where I grew up. It was a lot like it is here, in Big Sandy. I love small towns, but I know not everyone does. Seeing how many people live in small towns made me curious. Some of this research comes from the internet, so take it for what it’s worth, like that old commercial used to say, “If it’s on the internet, it must be true, right?!” Well, we all know that’s not necessarily true. Did you know that according to the internet, Big Sandy is not a “small town”? Because of its population, i...