Articles from the March 21, 2018 edition

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  • "Wild Safari" Rotary 2018 was a Giant success again this year

    Zoe Merrill|Mar 21, 2018

    The 34th annual Big Sandy Rotary Banquet, Wild Safari Night, is over and Connie Green is the winner of the grand prize of $3,000, but really everybody wins! To date, over $600,000 has been returned to the Big Sandy Community from proceeds of the last 33 Benefit Banquets. Farmers and ranchers, who could leave their calving operations, fought through horrible muddy roads, with mountains of snow still along the sides. The true Irish were wearing green for Saint Patrick's Day, while others wore...

  • Big Sandy's Science Students win at Regional Fair

    Zoe Merrill|Mar 21, 2018

    As always the Big Sandy Science Students represented us well at the Hi-Line Regional Science & Engineering Fair held at MSU-Northern SUB Ballroom on Monday, March 12 earning all three top places. Melanie Schwarzbach has been the director of the Hi-Line Regional Science Fair for 15 years. The scientist needed to be there by 8:30 am, where their projects were judged for physical presentations, actual testing results and reports, and their oral interviews. The day isn't over till 5:00 that day.... Full story

  • Unique Rural Training comes to Big Sandy Medical Center

    Mar 21, 2018

    What a wonderful opportunity for the EMT team and Big Sandy Medical personnel. The MobileSim Montana Project was in Big Sandy. They love education and gizmo's and gadgets. Simulation in Motion represent over a million dollars in gear and equipment per truck lab. The Leona M. And Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust completely funded the first year of the project for three labs at the cost of 4.6 million. It will be funded at 66% the second year, at 33% the third year and after that it needs to be...

  • Green Acres

    Tyler Lane|Mar 21, 2018

    The Montana Nutrition Conference and Livestock Forum The Montana Nutrition Conference and Livestock Forum will take place on April 17 and 18 at the Best Western GranTree Inn, 1325 N 7th Avenue in Bozeman. Attendees can register online at Educational Programs are listed below: • April 17, 11:00-12:30 – Registration • 2018 Weather Outlook • Madison Food Park Development – Todd Hanson, Norsman Group Consulting. • Alternative Forages and Economics – Emily Glunk, Extension Forage Specialist, Department of...

  • The 2018 Track Season Begins in the Snow

    Zoe Merrill|Mar 21, 2018

    Melanie Schwarzbach loves running herself. While she was in high school and during her freshman year at Concordia, she ran the sprints and hurdles. It wasn't until she was an adult that she embraced distance running. Melanie has coached track for 20 years and is the track coach again this year. She is excited because the team is almost doubled in size. This year twenty students are now practicing track in the gym and they will wait until the roads are cleared before they go outside. "We have...

  • Winter and Wildlife

    Bruce Auchly|Mar 21, 2018

    While this winter so far has given Montana plenty of snow and cold, the weather in March and April will determine to a large extent the mortality of animals like deer and antelope in northcentral Montana. That’s because during the next two months deer and antelope will rely on their energy reserves to survive, waiting for the growing season to begin. Snow and cold alone do not dictate how many deer and antelope will survive the winter. Survivability starts before the winter begins. How animals go into the winter – in good or poor shape – large...

  • Celebrate National Ag-Week 2018 March 18-24, 2018

    Kody Farmer|Mar 21, 2018

    Choteau County has a rich agricultural tradition that has transcended generations with many farm and ranch operations surpassing the century mark in recent years. This week, March 18-24, has been designated by the Agriculture Council of America (ACA) as National Ag Week. This Tuesday, March 20 was deemed to be National Ag Day. Each year the ACA picks a theme for the week long celebration with many events taking place on National Ag Day. This years theme is “Agriculture: Food for Life”. About 100 college students will celebrate the week in Washi...

  • Trump Administration Appoints Mike Foster as State Executive Director for USDA's Farm Service Agency in Montana

    Mar 21, 2018

    The Trump Administration recently appointed Mike Foster as the new State Executive Director (SED) for the USDA Montana Farm Service Agency (FSA). Foster began his new position on Feb. 20, 2018. Foster was born and raised in Townsend, Montana, and currently resides in Bozeman. From 1991 to 1994, he represented the 32nd District in the Montana House of Representatives. He then served as a state senator representing Montana's 20th District from 1995 to 1998, where he was majority whip. Foster most...

  • Upcoming Farm Service Agency Deadlines

    Mar 21, 2018

    April 2: Application for Payment deadline for the 2017 Livestock Indemnity Program (LIP). (A notice of loss must have been filed with the local FSA office within 30 calendar days from when the 2017 loss was apparent.) April 2: Final availability date for Loans and LDPs for 2017 Barley, Canola, Crambe, Flaxseed, Honey, Oats, Rapeseed, Wheat and Sesame Seed May 14: 2018 CRP Spring Managed Grazing Period Ends (livestock must be removed when the calculated AUMs have been utilized but no later than May 14) May 15 to July 15: Montana Primary Nesting...

  • USDA Farm Loan Program Availability

    Mar 21, 2018

    FSA has a number of loan programs available to assist applicants to begin or continue in agricultural production. As a farmer or rancher, whether you are just starting out or have many years of experience, loans are available for farm operating purposes and/or to purchase or improve a farm or ranch. As the “Lender of First Opportunity” FSA targets some of the direct and guaranteed loan funds for beginning and/or underserved farmers or ranchers. For purposes of this program, a beginning farmer/rancher is defined as someone who started in farming...

  • Patching Cracks

    Erik Sietsema|Mar 21, 2018

    Parenting two small children has afforded me a terrific opportunity to watch them and learn about human nature. I have noticed that my kids are happiest in their time together when they play without regard for who gets what, who has to clean up what, etc. When they both enjoy themselves and contribute 100 percent without concern for what the other is or isn’t doing, they tend to be much happier. However, when they begin to bicker over who has to do more or what belongs to who, the result is misery. I think this tendency can be attributed to t...

  • Senior Center News

    Leslie Gregory|Mar 21, 2018

    There are some new things happening at the Senior Center. Crystal would love to show off her new desk, and she has started frozen meals to go. There is a variety of meals to choose from, and they are available for $2.55 each. Menus for the week: Thursday, March 22- Tater Tot Casserole, Broccoli/Cauliflower, fruit/ pears, French bread, and maple stick. Friday, March 23- Ravioli soup, jello, pudding, and rolls. Monday, March 26- Meatballs, carrots, pizza pasta salad, blueberry dessert. Tuesday, March 27- Bacon Wraps, and Lemon bars. Wednesday,...

  • Annual Rotary Easter Egg Hunt changed location

    Mar 21, 2018

    SHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! The Easter Bunny is coming to Big Sandy Saturday, March 31, 2018 at 11:00 a.m. The Easter Bunny has been coming to Big Sandy for over 50 years. This year the Easter Bunny will hold a TRUNK AND HUNT on main street in front of City Hall. The Easter Bunny has tried to think of various ways to remove the snow around the Big Sandy Airport to accommodate the bunny’s hiding places for special prizes and candy. This year it does not look like Mother Nature will help the Easter Bunny with snow removal. When all the children arrive they...

  • Pioneer News

    Leslie Gregory|Mar 21, 2018

    Thursday, March 22- end of the 3rd quarter Friday, March 23- Adult Prom, Please a Junior Class member for tickets. Saturday, March 24- Prom, Grand March will be at 9 p.m. Tuesday, March 27- Track in Fort Benton Thursday, March 29- Lifetouch Pictures, at the elementary at 8 a.m. and high school around 11 a.m. Easter Break- March 30- April 2 Thursday April 5- Parent/Teacher conferences at both schools 4p.m. to 7 p.m. Menus for the week: Thursday, March 22: Breakfast- Pancakes, sausage, assorted cereals, fresh fruit, juice, and milk. Lunch-...

  • Big Sandy Medical Foundation Scholarship deadline is March 31

    Mar 21, 2018

    Big Sandy Medical Services Foundation would like to remind high school seniors and college students who are pursuing a medical career that the deadline for their scholarship applications is March 31, 2018. For the 2018-2019 college year, up to three $300 scholarships will be awarded. Applications may be picked up either at the high school by contacting Mrs. Christine Brumwell or by writing: Big Sandy Medical Services Foundation, PO Box 530, Big Sandy MT 59520. You may also call 378-2163 and ask Nora Grubb, Secretary. College students who have...

  • My Answer

    Dr. Billy Graham|Mar 21, 2018

    Q: Where do evil thoughts and ideas come from? Does the devil put them in our minds? I’d hate for anyone to know what’s actually going through my mind sometimes. A: One of the Bible’s greatest truths is that God knows all about us—including even the bad things that are going through our minds. And yet He still loves us, and wants us to cleanse us and make us part of His family forever! The Bible says, “God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5:8). Yes, ultimately Satan is responsi...

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