Articles from the October 20, 2021 edition

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  • Council discusses current events

    Zoe Merrill|Oct 20, 2021

    Big Sandy City Council met for their regular meeting on October 14 at 7:00 p.m. The Big Sandy Pool continues to raise funds. However, some of the more substantial funding needs to have a non-profit status to give to before they can give to the project. This will be worked on in the future. Also, auditors requested the funds be set up in a different, more efficient way. There was one question about why we aren’t planning an indoor pool. And the most straightforward answer is we can’t afford an indoor pool. KLJ was present to answer any que...

  • Food Bank Trick-or -Treating Drive, Oct. 20

    Erik Sietsema|Oct 20, 2021

    With Halloween fast approaching, an annual Big Sandy trick-or-treating tradition is approaching: the youth group food drive. This Wednesday, October 20th the youth groups of Big Sandy Church of God and Christ Lutheran Church will be going door to door around town collecting food stuffs for the Big Sandy Food Bank. Trick-or-treating will take place between 7 and 8 PM with kids going out in small groups. If you are interested in donating, you can wait for students to ring your doorbell or leave food on your porch in a box with the light on for...

  • The Church of God Celebrates 100 years

    Erik Sietsema|Oct 20, 2021

    Big Sandy Church of God held its 100th Birthday and 10th annual Brisket Cook-Off on Sunday, October 10th. The worship service was particularly well attended. The church used the occasion to baptize 9 young people. A 30-minute video created by Craig Edwards was shown throughout the afternoon commemorating the century of history. Photos of events, families, and landmark moments in the church’s history were featured. Roberta Edwards decorated the church with photos throughout the years, including a name-those-people type contest. Throughout the a...

  • Big advancements at Big Sandy Medical Center

    Leah Griffith|Oct 20, 2021

    Big Sandy Medical Center (BSMC) is excited to share our news. Check out our website @ and follow us on Facebook to get more timely information and updates. You may also attend a monthly Board of Directors meeting; they are open to the public and held in the basement meeting area every third Thursday at 5:30pm (subject to change). The BSMC Annual Member meeting will be Thursday, November 18th at 7:00pm. That also happens to be National Rural Health Day. Hope to see you there! COVID...

  • Green Acres

    Tyler Lane|Oct 20, 2021

    Dr. Jane Mangold to Speak at Chouteau County Livestock Protective Association The Chouteau County Livestock Protective Association annual meeting will take place on Thursday, November 11th at 3:00 p.m. at the Club House in Fort Benton. A social will follow the business meeting at 5:00 p.m. followed by dinner at 6:00. Please RSVP Buck Goldhahn at 622-5572 so the cooks can have notice on how many people will be attending. This year’s guest speaker is Dr. Jane Mangold (MSU Extension Invasive Plant Specialist). Dr. Mangold will cover i...

  • Patching Cracks

    Erik Sietsema|Oct 20, 2021

    In college, I was in a production of “12 Angry Men.” A few weeks before our show date, I struggled with the lines for my mid-sized part. I just hadn’t put in the time and effort to memorize my lines. A few of the other guys began to complain about me to the director, who was my roommate. He sat down with me one evening and encouraged me to put in the work to master my lines so well that it would shut the mouths of everyone who was complaining. Then he told me something that has stuck with me for over 20 years: “You practice like you play....

  • Getting By

    Janell Barber|Oct 20, 2021

    Free Annual Credit Reports Each year, I like to remind everyone about accessing and checking their free annual credit report. It is Federal law you can get a free credit report every twelve months from each of the three major consumer reporting companies (Equifax, Experian and TransUnion). There is one official site to get your free annual credit report. It is They can also be reached at (877)322-8228. There are other look-alike sites which claim their credit reports are free. In the end, the look-alike sites claiming...

  • Senior Center News

    Oct 20, 2021

    Menu Thursday, October 21 - Sub Sandwich, chips, and cookies. Friday,October 22- Beef Stew and Cornbread. Monday, October, 25- Pancakes, bacon, eggs, fruit, and juice. Tuesday, October26-Pasta Beef bake, veggies, Broccoli Cauliflower salad, and dessert. Wednesday, October 27- Crab salad sandwich and Broccoli Cheese soup. Recipe of the week: Ultimate Creamy Chicken Enchiladas Ingredients 1 ¼ pounds skinless, boneless chicken breast halves 2 teaspoons kosher salt, divided 2 teaspoons chili powder, divided 1 ½ teaspoons ground cumin, divid...

  • Big Sandy Pioneers run over Valier Panthers 46-14

    Zoe Merrill|Oct 20, 2021

    (Editors Note: This is my first attempt to cover a football game. I watched it on NFHS Network. At first, I could read the numbers of the players, but it got darker I couldn’t see who did what, and if the announcer didn’t tell me, the information was lost. Sats were not sent to me.) The Big Sandy Pioneers traveled to Valier and won the football contest 46-14. The Pioneers started the game with four Juniors and two sophomores. Valier started with one senior and five juniors. On their first possession, the Pioneers couldn’t move it 15 yards and h...

  • Lady Pioneers Pack the place pink and celebrate their Seniors with a win against the Miners

    Leah Griffith|Oct 20, 2021

    "Gratitude and Grit: We Don't Quit" is on the back of the team's practice shirts. They definitely lived up to that motto this past weekend. The regular season is coming to an end; but these ladies are just getting started with improvement throughout the season showing in their hard work and composure as a team. The Lady Pioneers hosted the Centerville Miners for Friday night's game, which featured Parent/Senior Night and Pack the House Pink! There was an impressive home crowd of pink-clad Pionee...

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