Articles from the November 10, 2021 edition

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  • Community Decay Ordinance nears completion

    Zoe Merrill|Nov 10, 2021

    The city council met to have a work meeting for Ordinance No 20021-1, Community Decay Ordinance. Besides the city council members, five residences attended and expressed their opinions about having such an ordinance. The next action the council is taking is sending the ordinance one last time to the Chouteau County attorney, Steve Gannon, and to the town of Big Sandy’s attorney, Jennifer Forsyth, in Havre. The ordinance itself is five pages long, and it will not be published in its entirety. It is also crucial that you understand the words p...

  • Veteran's Day Spotlight: Dale Morey

    Erik Sietsema|Nov 10, 2021

    Veteran's Day is nearly upon us, and it is important to take the time to remember the men and women who served our country, ensuring our freedom and safety. "Freedom isn't free. That has been my mainstay ever since I was a young lad. My dad was in the military. He was a Corpsman in the Navy. Since he did that, the Navy was my ultimate goal," explains Dale Morey in response to my question about his thoughts on the day. Dale served our country for forty years between his active duty and reserve...

  • Baroque Concert Tour visits Big Sandy

    Nov 10, 2021

    Sonata Tramontana -- “across the mountains,” Perhaps you have heard the saying by the old composer? “If it ain’t Baroque, don’t fix it!” This joke may be a groaner, but the upcoming free concert by Baroque Music Montana is sure to bring smiles and applause. The concert is Friday, November 12, 2021 at Big Sandy United Methodist church at 7:00pm. All are welcome. For everyone’s health, the church requires masks to be worn during the concert and can provide them at the door. Refreshments will follow the concert. Carrie Krause, playing the B...

  • Green Acres

    Nov 10, 2021

    Grain Storage Inspections Should Begin Close to Thanksgiving Inspecting grain bins for pests on or before Thanksgiving is a great rule of thumb for Chouteau County producers. The Lesser grain borer Rhyzopertha dominica is one of the most injurious beetles known to attack stored grain. The Lesser grain borer belongs to the Bostrichidae family of beetles, which are mostly wood boring insects. R. dominica causes major physical and off-odor damage to grain in storage. Identifying Characteristics: Adults are dark reddish-brown to black in color,...

  • New Report Lists COVID-19 as Third Leading Cause of Death in Montana

    Nov 10, 2021

    State health officials continue to urge Montanans to get vaccinated The Department of Public Health and Human Services (DPHHS) has released a new report that ranks COVID-19 associated deaths as the third leading cause of death in 2020 and will likely hold the same ranking for 2021. State health officials note the death record information for 2021 is considered provisional information and will be finalized later in 2022. Also, it’s possible the 2021 leading causes of death rankings could change as death certificate data are finalized. The r...

  • Patching Cracks

    Erik Sietsema|Nov 10, 2021

    In ancient Israel, every Jewish boy would learn the Torah in school. Specifically, they would memorize the Jewish religious writings starting at an early age until the rabbi teaching them decided they had reached their potential as students. At that time, they were sent off to work in whatever field their family had always worked in. Some students would be sent away early to work, while others would progress to the point that they were accepted as a disciple to a rabbi. This was sort of like earning your doctorate. Anyone who studied under a...

  • Getting By

    Janell Barber|Nov 10, 2021

    A recent “Getting By” article included information about accessing your free annual credit report. There are some important things to look for when reviewing your credit report. One of the first things to check is your personally identifiable information, such as names, addresses and Social Security number. Next, check to make sure you recognize all of the accounts and loans listed. Incorrect or unrecognizable information is concerning. Businesses, potential employers and other parties you have submitted applications to are making dec...

  • Senior Center News

    Nov 10, 2021

    Thursday, November 11- Veteran’s Day $10.00 Roast Beef, carrots, green salad, Jell-o salad, and dessert. Friday, November 12- Veggie Soup, Tuna sandwich, and dessert. Monday, November 15- Crunchy Chicken casserole, veggie, carrot salad, and dessert. Tuesday, NOvember, 16- Beef-n-Tater casserole, veggies, and cookie salad. Wednesday, November 17- Blueberry pancakes, eggs, sausage, and fruit. Recipe of the week: Beef Stroganoff Sauce with Meatballs Ingredients ½ teaspoon vegetable oil, or as needed 1 pound ground sirloin 3 tablespoons Wo...

  • Skunks at large in Big Sandy this fall

    Erik Sietsema|Nov 10, 2021

    With the arrival of fall the air begins to fill with the signs of the season: crisp frost, the smell of fireplaces in the morning, and the odor of skunks wandering through town. This year is no different, as locals begin smelling and seeing the unwanted neighbors more prominently than normal. Lianna Heimbigner spotted one a few weeks ago outside her home: "(He) came by just after dark when I was letting the dog back in the house from the back door. One of the cats was still sitting outside, when...

  • Playing the age card

    Anne Denning|Nov 10, 2021

    Every day in the news, we hear of people playing the race card or the gender card. Both cards are deemed to be in the wrong. The consensus is, don’t play the race card or the gender card! Well, I’m going to tell you about a card I have discovered that you can play quite happily and no one will fault you. When living in Arizona, I did not feel old at all. I was certainly not feeling like I thought a senior was supposed to feel. However, it came to my attention that you are considered old in the “snowbird” state if you are 60! Whoa, Nelly, I was...

  • LIFT Fitness first Pumpkin race

    Nov 10, 2021

    We had 19 runners in the 5k and 6 kids in the youth run. 5k women's winner was Carissa Ray with a time of 31:10. Men's winner was Nate Gregoire time 24:10. Relay winners with a time of 34:10 were Jayla Meldrum, Hailey Gingery and Emma Gillen these 3 girls also won the costume contest dressed as bees!...

  • My history comes Alive

    Zoe Merrill|Nov 10, 2021

    You can know what some of your family histories are. I wasn't necessarily interested in my family until my sister, Dena, started digging into it herself. Her friend Liz looked up something for her, and after that, she was hooked on our family. Dena spends hours every day researching. She has information going back 40 generations. She has studied all four of my family lines Patten, Brewer, Clowes, and Biddle. In my family are many interesting, powerful, and inspiring blood relatives. And others...

  • Pioneers eleminate Bearcats and roll into Semi-Finals 50-14

    Lane Demontiney|Nov 10, 2021

    The Pioneers have been rolling. This past weekend, they went to Stanford and beat Denton-Geyser-Stanford-Grass Range-Winnett 50-14 to advance to the Class C 6-man football Semi-Finals. Kody Strutz led this win with two passing touchdowns and one rushing touchdown, and one receiving touchdown. Lane Demontiney had three touchdowns, one rushing, one receiving, and one defensive touchdown off an interception. Lance Rutledge has a receiving touchdown. Braydon Cline and Rusty Gasvoda each had a...

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