Articles from the November 29, 2023 edition

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  • BSMC Annual Meeting Tomorrow Nov 30

    Jessica Ophus|Nov 29, 2023

    Tomorrow, November 30th, is the big day! At 5:30 pm, the BSMC Board of Directors, the CEO, and the community with gather at the Senior Center for the 59th Annual Meeting. This meeting is a bit different than the regular monthly Board Meetings. Most organizations hold Annual Meetings, some out of transparency, some due to state requirement. At the Annual Meeting, elections take place, financial audits are reviewed, and the happenings in the business as well as the upcoming goals are discussed. On the BSMC Annual Meeting Agenda are the following...

  • Christmas Memories can be life changing

    Nov 29, 2023

    Christmas time! For many, it’s a joyous celebration, but for others, it brings difficult memories. For some, it brings both! After interviewing this person, who asked to remain anonymous, I was impressed that she could see the good in difficult times. She loves Christmas! “There’s just something about the music, the weather, the sugary treats, the cheerfulness around you…it’s just all magical! But then, sometimes, it isn’t. Sometimes, Christmas is full of stress, full of just life happening around you and realizing that no matter how hard yo...

  • A history of ChristmasAdvent

    Erik Sietsema|Nov 29, 2023

    December is almost upon us. In my home, the days immediately preceding the final month of the year prompt a barrage of questions from my kids about when we will be handing out the Advent calendars for this year. When I was young, I did the same thing. My mother was a German immigrant and always got the special calendars in the mail from her family in Europe. Every day had a different chocolate treat hidden behind a little door. As a child, I never wondered what Advent was. I always focused on the annual traditions, never digging any deeper....

  • Green Acres

    Tyler Lane|Nov 29, 2023

    Christmas Tree Care When it comes to Christmas tree care during the holidays, the best strategy is to keep it simple. All a tree really needs to maintain freshness is adequate water. Longevity is easily achieved by using the proper tree stand and keeping the water level in the stand above the base of the tree. The following recommendations will help to maintain the freshness and aroma of a live Christmas tree this holiday season. Use a tree stand that holds enough water for the size of the tree. The rule of thumb is one quart of water per one...


    Mary Ophus|Nov 29, 2023

    The Sunshine Snippers 4-H Club kicked off the new 4-H year in October with the annual awards ceremony in Fort Benton. Members received numerous individual awards and the club took home several group awards; Horse Herdsmanship, Swine Herdsmanship and Beef Herdsmanship. The Herdsmanship Awards are chosen by the barn superintendents and are awarded based on a club that goes above and beyond during the Chouteau County Fair. Club members are noted to work extra hard as a team as well as independently...

  • Food Bank receives community support through FE Miley Elementary and First Bank of Montana

    Zoe Merrill|Nov 29, 2023

    Kindergarten teacher Samantha Weaver wrote, "The holiday time of year is upon us. Our elementary school is again partnering with our local Food Bank to put together Christmas gift boxes. Last year, our elementary school put together 11 Christmas dinner boxes. The boxes consisted of the goodies needed for a holiday dinner. This year our Food Bank is in need of paper products and baby food items for their recipients. We are asking that each grade bring a specific item. Our Christmas gift boxes...

  • Thelma R. Hansen

    Nov 29, 2023

    Thelma R. Hansen, 77, of Big Sandy, passed away on Saturday, November 11, 2023, at the Big Sandy Medical Center. Cremation has taken place, and memorial services will be held at 11:00 a.m. on Friday, December 1, 2023, at Christ Lutheran Church with Pastor Rich Jespersen officiating. A private family graveside service will be held at a later date. Thelma's family has suggested memorial donations be made in her memory to the Big Sandy Medical Center, Dedman Foundation, or the charity of the... Full story

  • Patching Cracks

    Erik Sietsema|Nov 29, 2023

    Every year, Americans fail to spend $23 billion dollars in gift cards. That’s an average of $187 per person in gift certificates, Amazon cards, Starbucks bucks, and other monetary gifts they’ve received and left in a drawer somewhere doing nothing. 47% of American adults have unused gift cards at home. What’s particularly interesting is the higher the household income of the person in question, the more unspent money they are likely to have stashed away and forgotten. I’ll confess that I have more than a few gift cards for businesses that ha...

  • Pioneer Parents Team create an Amazon Wish list

    Nov 29, 2023

    Pioneer Parents Team started their efforts to support teachers with an Amazon wish list at share. The example of items needed listed were K-Cup coffee pods, stickers for kids papers, colorful writing pens and makers, Dixie Cups Coffee Fillers for crafts, Paper plates for art pictures, paint for projects, Expo Markers, Whiteboard cleaner, paper towels, regular coffee pot, baskets to hold markers, pens, pencils, Clorox Wipes, Wax cubes for incense smell, small heaters, a big bulletin...

  • Unoffical Minutes from the Big Sandy Public School District #2 & #11 Board of Trustees Meeting

    Nov 29, 2023

    Tuesday, November 21 st, 2023 High School Computer Lab, 7:00 PM Trustees present: Chairman Kelly Rutledge, Brad Weaver, Anna Bold, Matt Myers, Jessica Sheehy Staff Present: Superintendent Dan Schrock, Principal Heather Wolery, District Clerk Mary Merrill Guests: Guest were present 1. Call to Order- Chairman Kelly Rutledge called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm 2. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. 3. Chairman Kelly Rutledge welcomed the Guests in attendance. 4. There was no public comment. The Board recognizes the value of public comment...

  • Q&A regarding Pepé Le Pew's kin

    Erik Sietsema|Nov 29, 2023

    Editor’s Note: I recently had a terrible time with skunk spray that my dog brought into the house. I don’t know anyone who knows more about how to clean and get rid of the odor like Erik. This is an article that should be clipped and kept. It’s easy to spot the signs of fall in Big Sandy. The leaves are turning, daylight savings time has the sun setting in the middle of the afternoon, and Main Street is lit at night with strings of Christmas lights. Another sign that the season is changing in our little community is unmistakable smell of skunk...